3rd Copernicus Graduate School Summer School

Politicized Society, or How Much Politics Do We Need?

21-25 July 2014

The International Relations History Department of the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the Nicolaus Copernicus University, together with Czech, Hungarian and German partners organizes on 21-25 July 2014 the 3rd Copernicus Graduate School Summer School. It will take place at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland).

The topic of the summer school will be: Politicized Society, or How Much Politics Do We Need?

The event is addressed to PhD students and graduates of all disciplines, whose research interests suit the topic. It should bring young scientists into creative discussion in an open international atmosphere under the guidance of fellows.

Please find a Call for Applications leaflet and application form.



You can find all the important information on the website: www.cgs.umk.pl.