Call for papers: 10th International Conference on Internet, Law & Politics

“A decade of Internet, Law and Politics: Taking stock and looking ahead” will be held in Barcelona on 3-4 July 2014, organized by the School of Law and Political Science of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

The Call for Papers for the Conference is now open. The deadline for submitting a 300-word abstract is 10 December, 2013. Abstracts will be evaluated by blind review and will be notified for acceptance by December 29, 2013. Authors of accepted abstracts must submit the final text no later than March 10, 2014.

Abstracts should address one of the following areas:

Privacy and data protection: Data protection reform; economics of privacy; privacy by design; behavioural advertising; profiling; biometrics; geolocalization; internet of things; data protection and access to information; data subject rights.

Copyright and industrial property rights: Protection of IPR on the Internet; linking to infringing content; secondary liability for copyright and trademark infringement; copyright exceptions and limitations; licensing; collective management, etc.

E-commerce and consumers: e-Contracts; consumers’ rights; right to withdraw; applicable law; abusive clauses; advertising law; online gambling; competition law; web scraping, etc.

Cybercrimes: Computer crimes (hacking, cracking, DoS…), on-line financial crimes and copyright infringements; identity theft; crimes against privacy; on-line harassment; cyberbullying; cyberstalking; cyberdefamation; hate crimes; child grooming; child pornography; cyberterrorism; cyberwarfare; etc.

E-Government: E-Government regulation; Public Administration Innovation; Open Government; Transparency; Access to Public Sector Information; Open Data and Public Sector Information Re-use; Interoperability, E-Procurement.

Internet & Politics: The impact of ICT on politics; institutional and behavioural change in the Information Society; digital democracy; ICT use by political institutions, parties and social movements; social networks and politics 2.0; technopolitics; electronic participation; election campaigns and new media; etc.

Please find more detailed information at the official website:

For information regarding the Conference inquiries can be directed to the following e-mail address: