IPSA Secretariat in Montreal pursues its activities / Le secrétariat de l'AISP à Montréal poursuit ses activités

In light of the situation with the COVID-19, we would like to inform you that the International Political Science Association Secretariat offices in Montréal will be temporarily closed until 30 March 2020, in compliance with the recommended measures issued by the Governments of Canada and Québec.
Please note that our staff is now working remotely like so many of you and can be reached by email. They will be happy to assist you if you have any questions.
At this time, the IPSA World Congress 2020 is scheduled as planned in Lisbon, Portugal, 25-29 July 2020. We are closely monitoring the situation and updating our website daily. We invite you to visit the Congress website and follow us on social media for the latest information.To accommodate our members, we have extended the early bird registration deadline to 15 April 2020. 
We encourage our members to be vigilant in these challenging times and extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all of you for your understanding. We hope you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy.
Please feel free to contact our team using the following addresses:
General Information: info@ipsa.org
World Congress 2020: wc2020@ipsa.org
Membership Services: membership@ipsa.org
Publications on the IPSA Website: webmaster@ipsa.org