Job offer for field research in Spain_call for applicants_deadline: Dec 18, 2013

A research project on migrant mortality along the southern EU border, based at VU Amsterdam, is looking for a field researcher to get involved in data collection in Spain. Applicants should be interested and able to commit 3-4 weeks to a pilot study in February/March 2014, including 1 week full time preparation, 1-2 weeks pilot study in two different field sites in Spain and 1 week writing up.

Applicants who would be interested and able to continue working on data collection beyond the pilot (for the major part of 2014) will be preferred. This would include participation in a methodology workshop in April with the VU Amsterdam team and the field researchers from other Mediterranean countries within the scope of the research project. Data collection would commence after the workshop on a schedule to be decided between each field researcher and the VU team (the data collection should be completed in 2014 but the exact schedule is flexible and not necessarily full time).

Requirements: fluency in English and Spanish, and strong personal motivation. Previous experience in designing and conducting social research, and familiarity with migration issues and/or human rights are assets.

DEADLINE: Applicants are invited to submit a CV and motivation letter (maximum 2 pages) to Tamara Last at [1] no later than 18 December 2013. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis so earlier applications are welcome. Interviews via Skype will be organized with selected candidates shortly after applications are submitted.

N.B.: Prospective applicants with any questions are welcome to email Tamara Last. Prospective applicants who have missed the deadline are advised to contact Tamara Last to verify whether the position has been filled.