Summer School in International Politics 2014

Barcelona Summer School in International Politics 2014


The ninth edition of the Barcelona Summer School in International Politics will take place at the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) during June 30 – July 4, 2014. The objective of IBEI's Summer School is to offer different short courses on significant topics in international relations and international political economy, taught by experts of international prestige. The direction and coordination of the summer school will be provided by Jacint Jordana (Universitat Pompeu Fabra and IBEI).

The summer school is aimed at graduate students, professors and researchers in the areas of political science, economics, and international relations and international studies who are interested in learning first-hand about the latest advances in research.

The Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals is a graduate teaching and research institution established through the initiative of the five universities in Barcelona (the University of Barcelona, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra University, the Open University of Catalonia, and the Technical University of Catalonia). The Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals supports research in all fields of international political economics, international relations, international security, foreign policy and comparative public policy.


 Regular Fee – early bird registration (before June 9th):

 1 course 280 euros / 2 courses 480 euros / 3 courses 675 euros / 4 courses 840 euros

 Regular Fee –registration after June 9th:

 1 course 350 euros / 2 courses 595 euros / 3 courses 840 euros / 4 courses 1050 euros


 30% to UAB, UB, UPF, UOC or UPC students, faculty and returning summer school participants.

 50% to IBEI students and IBEI Alumni.


  •  Authority and Legitimacy in Global Governance (Prof. Nico Krisch, ICREA-IBEI). June 30/July 3
  • New Approaches to Global Governance and Regulation (Prof. Walter Mattli, University of Oxford). July 1 / 4
  • In Search of a European Demos (Prof. Juan Diez Medrano, Universidad Carlos III - IBEI). June 30 / July 4
  • Debating Human Rights (Prof. Jack Synder, Columbia University). June 30 / July 4

Each course will be taught over a period of one week, in a format of a daily two-hour sessions (10 hours). During these weeks, the teaching staff of the Barcelona Summer School in International Politics will also be available to participants hours to discuss their research projects.

 Further information and registration form can be found at