The European Parliament's Response to Ortega's Authoritarian Populist Regime in Nicaragua

Autor principal:
Paula Lamoso González (Universidad Loyola)
Sesión 6, Sesión 6
Día: martes, 23 de julio de 2024
Hora: 15:30 a 17:15
Lugar: PEDRO I (128)

Building on Serrafero's (2013) framework, the 21st-century Latin American radical left-wing populism is characterized by a distinct challenge to the liberal democratic order. Given that the European Parliament (EP)'s parliamentary diplomacy aims to uphold liberal democracy and human rights globally, this article thoroughly examines the EP's role in addressing the populist and authoritarian regime led by Ortega in Nicaragua. Ortega's authoritarian presidential regime has consistently favored repression and impunity in response to successive human rights violations perpetrated by the government against citizens who have been protesting since 2018 in a bid to depose the regime. This analysis delves into the degradation of institutions and the erosion of the rule of law, where both the executive and judicial branches act in complicity. The article scrutinizes two key aspects: the ad hoc delegation dispatched by the EP to Nicaragua in January 2019 and the nine resolutions that the EP has approved thus far. In conclusion, this study posits that the Nicaraguan case serves as another illustration of the EP assuming the role of an international moral tribunal, addressing and condemning the erosion of democratic values and human rights under Ortega's regime.

Palabras clave: European Parliament, Diplomacy, Nicaragua, Populism, Ad Hoc Delegation