XXII Congreso IPSA, Madrid 2012. Invitación a participar en el panel "Nation-Building in Nested Communities. Masses and Elites’ Identities in Multilayered Polities"

Distinguido amigo/a, es un placer invitarte a participar en el panel que organizamos Xavier Coller, Enric Martínez y Jeff Miley para el próximo congreso de la International Political Science Association en Madrid 2012 del 8 al 12 de julio. El panel lleva por título "Nation-Building in Nested Communities. Masses and Elites’ Identities in Multilayered Polities". El contenido del panel versa sobre las identidades colectivas (identidades nacionales), nacionalismos, federalismo y pone el énfasis en las percepciones de la ciudadanía y de las elites políticas.

Aquí tienes el resumen del contenido del paper: "This panel aims to contribute to make advance a new strand of research in the literature on national identity and, more generally, support for the political communities. It lies at the interface of comparative studies on nationalism and national identity, survey research, mass beliefs systems, political elites, federalism and supranational integration. It will focus on examining, in comparative perspective, the outcomes of multilayered governance on support for the political communities – including, but also transcending national identities – at the state level, the substate level and the suprastate level – in contexts of continental integration such as the EU. It is thus concerned with the legitimacy of political systems of different levels of government – a subject of clear social and political relevance, particularly when this support in uneven or challenged.

The panel is particularly interested in: (1) the impact of both the processes of federalization (or devolution) and those of supranational integration on both masses and elites’ feelings of national identity and political community; (2) their views or understandings of the different, nested political communities; (3) the convergence/divergence between elites and masses; and (4) the role of political elites in driving processes of mass identity shift. The panel encourages empirical papers that show clear variation in the political context, be the analysis designed as a longitudinal or a cross-sectional one"

Te agradeceremos mucho que consideres presentar tus trabajos en este panel. Si conoces de alguien que pudiera estar interesado, te agradeceré que le puedas trasladar este mensaje. El plazo para presentar los abstracts es el 17 de octubre. Tienes más información sobre el procedimiento para presentar los abstracts en http://www.ipsa.org/events/congress/madrid2012/submit-abstractpaper-proposal

Tienes más información sobre el panel en http://www.ipsa.org/my-ipsa/events/madrid2012/panel/nation-building-nested-communities-masses-and-elites%E2%80%99-identities-mul
Recibe un fuerte abrazo.
Xavier, Enric y Jeff.