IPSA Newsletter October 2011


22nd IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Madrid (Spain)


Call for papers now closed
The call for papers for the 22nd World Congress of Political Science was highly successful! Leading up to the deadline of October 17, 2011, the response was so overwhelming that the IPSA server wasn’t able to keep up with the traffic: we had to double our server capacity not once but twice to handle the spike in traffic on the website. In total, over 5,500 abstract submissions were received!
With the sheer number of high quality abstracts submitted, we will need to expand the number of panels currently accepted to accommodate as many submissions as possible.
All abstract authors will be notified of the final results by December 2. Final papers must be submitted by June 1, 2012.

Registration now open
Registration for the 22nd World Congress of Political Science in Madrid, Spain, is now open! All participants, including session chairs, panel chairs, discussants and paper presenters, must register to attend the congress.
As was the case for the 2009 World Congress of Political Science, there is no non-member registration fee. Please note the following:
- Participants must be IPSA members through 2012 to register.
- Early bird registration fees (valid until March 11) are as follows:
        - IPSA member (valid through 2012): US$250
        - IPSA student member (valid through 2012): US$75
        *Proof of student status required at the time of registration.
- All participants must be registered by March 11, 2012, to be included in the printed program.
For registration details, please go to the IPSA Congress Registration page.
Travel grants
IPSA travel grants are funded from registration fees received for the world congress. These funds are intended to make it easier for people who live and work in developing economies and who couldn’t otherwise afford to attend the world congress. Recipients must be presenters or co-presenters at the event and must be listed in the program. Travel allowances of up to US$1,000 are offered on the recommendation of the Travel Grants Subcommittee, which comes under the Program Committee. Travel grant funds will be allocated to recipients ON-SITE and not in advance of the congress.
The deadline to receive applications for IPSA travel grants is December 9, 2011. Applications must include the following supporting documents (in PDF format only):
- Proof of citizenship (identification page of passport)
- A resumé or CV
- A letter of reference (from an employer or an educational institution or from the chair or convenor of your panel)
Email applications will not be accepted. All applications must be submitted online.  Click here to apply for a travel grant.

2012 Membership Renewal
With more services to members than ever, IPSA has proudly launched its 2012 membership renewal campaign. We invite you to renew your membership or join our great organization.

For quick online registration, click on the image below.

IPSA members enjoy numerous benefits:
    * Subscription to the electronic version (archives included) of the International Political Science Review (IPSR) (five per year) via the Sage Publications’ website, plus an optional print version.
    * Subscription to Participation, the IPSA bulletin.
    * Free monthly E-Newsletter.
    * Access to the IPSAPortal (search engine with website reviews).
    * Optional subscription to International Political Science Abstracts at a reduced price. Subscriptions include all six issues published during the calendar year.
Research services
    * Join a community numbering thousands of political scientists worldwide by collaborating and/or working with one of 50 IPSA research committees.
    * Participate in exclusive IPSA events around the world.
    * Reduced fee at joint events.
    * Opportunities to compete for IPSA awards and travel grants for the World Congress of Political Science.
Web services
    * Post your CV or resumé on a personalized profile page available to members in the Members Directory and to media in the Specialist Registry.
    * Access the online Members Directory, ideal for contacting colleagues around the world and a major source of invitations to professional opportunities.
    * Promote your books, events, call for papers, job openings, awards and much more on the IPSA website, its E-Newsletter and its social media pages (Facebook and Twitter).
    * Online resources offered exclusively to members.
Discount on publications
    * Discount to IPSA members on subscriptions to Journal of Power.
    * 25% discount on all SAGE Publications titles.
    * 20% discount on all Oxford University Press titles in the area of politics and international relations.

3rd IPSA Summer School in São Paulo - Call for Applications

Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Sciences and International Relations
January 30, 2012 - February 10, 2012
University of São Paulo
São Paulo, Brazil
Applications will be accepted until November 10, 2011.
The goal of this program is to give scholars in the social sciences access to high-quality, advanced training in qualitative and quantitative social science methods. The program is intended for promising upper-level scholars in political science, international relations, and related disciplines. Preference will be given to current faculty members, post-doctoral and doctoral students. Exceptional masters-level students in political science, international relations, and closely related fields will also be considered. Details...

2nd Summer School in Social Science Research Methods in Stellenbosch - Registration Now Open

The African Doctoral Academy, in partnership with the International Political Science Association (IPSA) is pleased to offer a Summer School in Social Science Research Methods.

January 9-20, 2012
Stellenbosch University
Stellenbosch, South Africa
Registrations will be accepted until October 31, 2011.
The Summer School is aimed at prospective and current doctoral students in the social sciences and humanities but is open to anyone who has a master's degree. Details...

International Conference on New Regionalism and Multi-Level Governance

IPSA had a hand in organizing the International Conference on New Regionalism and Multi-Level Governance held at the Law School of the University of Valencia, Spain, on October 13 and 14, 2011.
The two-day conference, organized by Pablo Oñate (treasurer of the local organizing committee for the 2012 Madrid IPSA World Congress) and Guy Lachapelle (IPSA Secretary General), was attended by many leaders in the field, including:
Michael Stein (University of Toronto)
Alain-G. Gagnon (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Guy Laforest (Université Laval)
Ramón Maiz (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
David Criekmans (Université d’Anvers)
Stéphane Paquin (École Nationale d'Administration Publique à Montréal)
Juan Rodríguez (Universidad de Valencia)
Joaquím Molins (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
Wyn Grant (University fo Warwick)
Peverill Squire (University of Missouri)
Klaus Stolz (University Chemnitz)
The conference included five workshops on the following themes:
- Multi-level governance and the reconfiguration of politics – new regionalism, federalism and the devolution of power in comparative perspective
- Trust in government in multi-level governance systems
- International role and responsibilities of sub-state entities
- Collective actors and their relations in multi-level layered-out systems: the role of political parties
- Parliamentary representatives and the decision-making process
A book summarizing the conference will be launched at the 22nd IPSA World Congress of Political Science in Madrid, Spain. The event runs from July 8 to 12, 2012.

International Encyclopedia of Political Science

Eight volume set Published in association with IPSA

Edited by
Bertrand Badie Paris Institute of Political Studies, France
Dirk Berg-Schlosser Philipps-University Marburg, Germany
Leonardo Morlino LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, Italy

With entries from leading scholars from around the world, the International Encyclopedia of Political Science presents a definitive, comprehensive picture of all aspects of political life, including theoretical foundations, and it features empirical findings from across the globe. The eight volumes cover all the main subdisciplines of political science in detail, including comparative politics, epistemology, political economy, political sociology, and international relations.
November 2011 • 4,032 pages
Print: 978-1-4129-5963-6 • $1,095/£700
Special introductory price: $990/£600
(Print only; expires November 30, 2011)

Electronic: 978-1-4129-9416-3 (contact librarysales@sagepub.com for pricing)

Sign up for a free 30-day online trial version of the encyclopedia at http://www.sagepub.com/freetrial
What's new on the IPSAportal?
New Monthly Section

News from the IPSAportal:

1) The Librarian Index has integrated new reports devoted to 9/11. To mark the tenth anniversary of the attack on the Twin Towers, new resources have been made available on the website. (eGateways on IPSAportal)

2) On October 10, 2011, Thomson Reuters, the world’s leading source of information for business and professionals, announced the launch of the Book Citation Index, a new resource within its Web of Knowledge. (Indexes and Abstracts on IPSAportal)

3) Data Archive, the UK’s largest collection of digital research in the social sciences and humanities, and ESDS, the Economic and Social Data Service, have joined the list of UK organizations committed to supporting a new set of open metadata principles to enhance the impact of knowledge resources on scholarship and innovation. (Data Banks on IPSAportal)

4) “Barack Obama is a leading driver of voter preferences in possible 2012 matchups, among both his supporters and opponents.” Such is the opening sentence from the last report on voting preferences presented by the Pew Center. (Thematic Sites on IPSAportal)

5) After the long period of activity (starting in 1996) in connection with the Electronic Libraries (eLib) Programme, INTUTE, the free online web resource service, announced the suspension of its activities. Funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), the website will remain available for three additional years while a new destination for its contents is found. (eGateways on IPSAportal)

Co-Editor Sought for the International Political Science Review (IPSR)

The International Political Science Review (IPSR), the flagship publication of the International Political Science Association, is seeking a co-editor to join Mark Kesselman for a four-year (renewable) period starting in July 2012. The new editor will be selected in time for the IPSA World Congress in Madrid in July 2012. A transition period of several months will allow the appointed editor to become familiar with the editorial process. For details...

Enquiries may be forwarded to Mikhail Ilyin (Mikhaililyin48@gmail.com) and Mark Kesselman (mjk3@columbia.edu). Applicants are asked to forward their CV by email to Professor Ilyin, along with a statement describing their objectives for taking IPSR forward. The application deadline is December 1, 2011.

Political Science News

XIème Congrès de l’AFSP à Strasbourg: quel bilan ? Editorial de la Présidente de l’AFSP

Quel bilan dresser de ce XIème Congrès (http://www.congres-afsp.fr/), de ces trois jours de rencontres et de débats animés, facilités par l’organisation parfaite de Sciences Po Strasbourg et agrémentés par un soleil radieux malgré les prévisions pessimistes de la météo ? Nous attendons vos remarques, comme après chaque Congrès, pour éclairer les points forts et les points faibles. D’ores et déjà quelques enseignements se dégagent des premiers retours.
L’audience, presque comparable à celle du Congrès de Grenoble, qui marquait le 60ème anniversaire de notre Association, tout comme le poids important des juniors, doctorants, jeunes chercheurs et maîtres de conférence  parmi les inscrits,  indique la vitalité de notre discipline.
Les Sessions thématiques (ST) ont attiré du monde et globalement, la formule semble trouver sa place dans notre paysage académique. Une inquiétude cependant se fait jour, concernant leur nombre et leur spécialisation. Beaucoup ont le sentiment d’une fragmentation croissante de la discipline et souhaiteraient que le Congrès permette un dialogue élargi, dépassant les clivages liés aux sous disciplines ou aux écoles. Il va falloir imaginer une nouvelle formule, entre les nouvelles ST et les tables rondes d’antan, où l’on ait plus de temps pour confronter les points de vue.
Quant aux Modules professionnels et pédagogiques (MPP), ils ont été jugés excellents et très utiles, de l’avis général de celles et ceux qui les ont suivis, avec la seule frustration de ne pouvoir les suivre tous puisqu’ils étaient bloqués sur le même créneau horaire. On en retire l’impression d’une forte attente quant à un débat au sein de la discipline sur l’enseignement de la science politique, comment et quoi enseigner ?  Déjà, plusieurs volontaires se sont proposés pour y réfléchir. A cet égard, on pourrait s’inspirer de la conférence «  Teaching and Learning » qui précède le congrès annuel de l’APSA, en février, dédiée à l’innovation dans les méthodes d’enseignement et les contenus de cours (http://www.apsanet.org/content_31632.cfm). Et plus que jamais le dialogue est nécessaire avec l’Association des Professeurs de Sciences Economiques et Sociales (APSES), pour  chercher ensemble comment rendre attractive la science politique dès l’enseignement secondaire (voir l’intervention au Congrès du représentant de l’APSES, Igor Martinache (http://www.congres-afsp.fr/evenements/texteapsescongres2011.pdf) et leur manuel de SES en ligne : http://sesame.apses.org/).
Une Charte d’éthique enfin a été adoptée et intégrée dans les statuts de l’AFSP, après un commencement de débat en Assemblée générale et un vote qui a révélé des inquiétudes à son sujet. Il faut absolument poursuivre ce débat, entamé il y a deux ans sur le site de l’AFSP, où un blog a été ouvert (http://forumethique-afsp.over-blog.fr/). Cette Charte, élaborée au sein d’un groupe de travail associant Loïc Blondiaux, Pierre Bréchon, Marie Claire Lavabre, Yves Surel et moi-même, se contente de poser les grands principes (liberté, civilité, intégrité, impartialité, responsabilité) qui régissent les activités académiques. L’idée en est venue suite à un certain nombre de conflits dans notre discipline, et à une demande récurrente de la part de jeunes chercheur(e)s confronté(e)s à des affaires de plagiat, regrettant l’absence d’une instance de médiation. D’où la constitution, au prochain renouvellement du Conseil d’Administration de l’Association, en mai prochain, d’une Commission d’éthique consultative de l’AFSP.
Faites nous donc parvenir vos remarques, suggestions, critiques et encouragements, pour faire vivre l’AFSP et commencer à préparer le Congrès de 2013. Celui-ci aura lieu à Sciences Po Paris, selon le nouveau calendrier adopté (fin juin-début juillet) qui n’entre plus en conflit avec celui des autres organisations internationales de la discipline (ECPR, APSA, IPSA… ).


Agence universitaire de la Francophonie: Les festivités du 50e à Montréal, un bilan très positif

Le 50e anniversaire de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, à Montréal, s’est voulu un moment combinant recherche et festivités.
Pour débuter, un brunch associatif était organisé à l’hôtel Delta Centre-ville de Montréal réunissant les représentants des universités membres de l’AUF et l’AUF afin de discuter de L’avenir des coopérations interuniversitaires dans une perspective de développement.
- Lever du rideau sur le jubilé : 50e anniversaire de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (actualité diffusée sur le site de l’AUF, le 23 septembre 2011)
Ensuite, le colloque du 50e intitulé La Francophonie des savoirs, moteur du développement a réuni près de 300 participants, à l’Université de Montréal.
- Le colloque sera mis à disposition sur le web prochainement
- Le colloque sera également disponible sur les ondes du Canal Savoir dès le 15 novembre
Enfin, un banquet a clos l’ensemble de ces festivités en présence notamment de l’administrateur de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, Clément Duhaime, la ministre des Relations internationales et ministre responsable de la Francophonie, Monique Gagnon-Tremblay, ainsi que la consule générale de France à Québec, Hélène Le Gal, parmi les près de 400 invités.
Lors de cette soirée, la slameuse Julie Dirwimmer nous a enchanté avec La Francophonie, c’est pas une maladie.
- Montréal à l’heure du 50e anniversaire de l’AUF (actualité diffusée sur le site de l’AUF, le 25 septembre 2011)
- Texte du slam La Francophonie, c’est pas une maladie
L’AUF remercie vivement toutes celles et ceux qui ont participé à ces événements.

Nous mettons à votre disposition les vidéos et photos concernant ce 50e anniversaire et comme le disait notre maître de cérémonie lors du banquet, Jean-Claude Castelain « Rendez-vous dans 50 ans ! » :
- Vidéo sur l’histoire de l’AUF, version courte (4:30 min)
- Vidéo sur l’histoire de l’AUF, version longue (9:00 min)
- Diaporama du cocktail du colloque
- Diaporama du banquet

Pan Suk Kim: Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA)

The Board of Directors of the (US) National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA: www.napawash.org) announced the results of the Fellows Elections in October 2011. Underwood Distinguished Professor Pan Suk Kim of Yonsei University in South Korea was elected as a new NAPA fellow, and the formal induction ceremony will be held in conjunction with 2011 Fall Meeting in Washington, DC, on November 17, 2011.
Join the Debate at socialsciencespace.com

Articles on socialsciencespace cover a range of topics, from academic funding and capacity-building to research ethics and impact. You may comment on articles quickly and easily without registering.
Take a look at some current posts. What do you think?
    - The doubtful future of the American liberal arts college Read more
    - What to consider when crafting your online identity Read more
    - Raising our children in an electronic media world Read more
    - Rick Perry’s anti-science America Read more
    - The campaign to re-brand the social scientist Read more
You may join your fellow social scientists on our forum, as well. It’s free, so seize this opportunity to create an account and add your voice to the discussion.
Socialsciencespace revamped
Socialsciencespace has been live now for nine months, during which more than 1,800 members and more than 50 partners have joined. You’ll notice the site looks slightly different this month. We’ve given the homepage a cleaner, more segmented style to make it easier for you to find the most relevant content from across the site. We’ve also improved our events listings page to make it easier to search. Registered members will be able to sign up for content alerts from the site. Take a look now

Books by Members

Dealing with the Legacy of Authoritarianism. The “Politics of the Past” in Southern European Democracies
Edited by
Antonio Costa Pinto
Leonardo Morlino

More information ...

La politique, jeux et enjeux. Action en société, action publique, et pratiques démocratiques

Raymond Hudon
Christian Poirier

More information ...

Upcoming Events
(October, November & December):
Graduate Conference in Political Theory
28-29 October, 2011
Boston, United States
Kolleg Forschergruppe Workshop: Regional Organisations as Global Players: Active = Influential?
28-29 October, 2011
Berlin, Germany
New Horizons in Conflict Systems Analysis: Applications to the Middle East
28-30 October, 2011
Columbia, United States
Communautés Transatlantiques. Asymétries et Convergences
2-4 November, 2011
Montreal, Canada
The Social Capital Foundation 2011 International Conference on the World Economic Crisis
2-5 November, 2011
Mellieha, Malta
The Eagle and The Dragon In Africa: Stability and Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
3-5 November, 2011
Lexington, United States
IPSA RC 27 – 2010 Conference on “Crisis as Opportunity: State, Markets and Communities in Turbulent Times”
4-5 November, 2011
Berlin, Germany
Annual International Conference on Political Science, Sociology and International Relations (PSSIR 2011)
7-8 November, 2011
Singapore, Singapore
RC2 & RC37 Joint IPSA Workshop on Rethinking Political Development: Multifaceted Role of Elites and Transforming Leadership
7-8 November, 2011
Orlando, United States
Israel: Have We Lost That Loving Feeling, and Can We Get It Back?
8 November, 2011
Denver, United States
1st European Gender Summit: Science Quality through Equality
8-9 November, 2011
Brussels, Belgium

Georgia Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting: Revolutionary Change in a World in Ferment
10-12 November, 2011
Savannah, United States
Mississippi Political Science Association Annual Meeting
11-12 November, 2011
Jackson, United States
Empathy: Self, Society, Culture
11-12 November, 2011
Bloomington, United States
2011 ACSUS Biennial Conference
16-20 November, 2011
Ottawa, Canada
Northeastern Political Science Association (NEPSA) 2011 Annual Conference
17-19 November, 2011
Philadelphia, United States
IPSA RC22 Political Communication Conference
17-18 November, 2011
Lisbon, Portugal
Figures du préfet. Une comparaison européenne.
17-18 November, 2011
Toulouse, France
African Studies Association 54th Annual Meeting
17-20 November, 2011
Washington DC, United States
International Conference on Decentralization and its Discontents: Recalibrating Public Service Delivery in Asia
18-19 November, 2011
Hong Kong, China
Royal Irish Academy’s Annual Conference on International Affairs: Democratisation and New Media
18 November, 2011
Dublin, Ireland
RISC 2011 Conference: Social cohesion: The missing link in regional integration?
30 November-3 December, 2011
Rustenburg, South Africa
The Collapse of the Soviet Union and its Consequences for Europe and the World
30 November-2 December, 2011
Krakow, Poland
4th Conference of Greek Administrative Scientists: Reforms in Public Administration: Potential, Perspectives and Weaknesses
1-2 December, 2011
Thessaloniki, Greece
Crisis in Ireland’s Regional Newspaper Industry: Consequences for the Public and the Journalistic Profession
1 December, 2011
Limerick, Ireland
The Dupont Summit 2011. Science, Technology & Environmental Policy: Pressing Issues, Little Time
2 December, 2011
Washington, United States
Colloque du réseau des chercheur(e)s francophones en politiques publiques
3-4 December, 2011
Montréal, Canada
Growing Pains and Growth Paths: China and Japan in Modern Economic Growth
5-6 December, 2011
Wellington, New Zealand

The Asia-Pacific Century: Overcoming the Strategy Gap
6-7 December, 2011
Montgomery, United States
The Politics of Extreme Austerity: Greece Beyond the Crisis'
8-9 December, 2011
Glasgow, United Kingdom
7th annual Graduate Conference in Political Science, International Relations and Public Policy in memory of Yitzhak Rabin
14-16 December, 2011
Jerusalem, Israel
6th annual Graduate Conference
15-17 December, 2011
Jerusalem, Israel 

Quick Link:

IPSA Website

International Political Science Review

International Political Science Abstracts

Call for Papers

Is Social Democracy Exhausted? Pathways, Reflections, And Dilemmas
17-18 February, 2012
Adelaide, Australia
Deadline: 28 October, 2011
Congrès annuel de la Société québécoise de science politique
23-25 May, 2012
Ottawa, Canada
Deadline: 31 October, 2011
Portuguese Political Science Association VI Conference
1-3 March, 2012
Lisbon, Portugal
Deadline: 31 October, 2011
The Effects of District Magnitude
29-30 May, 2012
Lisbon, Portugal
Deadline: 1 November, 2011
Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference: “From Meydan Tahrir to Wisconsin: Rethinking Revolution, Democracy and Citizenship”
27-28 April, 2012
Ithaca, United States
Deadline: 1 November, 2011
Australian & New Zealand Studies Association of North America 2012 Annual Conference
16-18 February, 2012
Toronto, Canada
Deadline: 1 November, 2011
2012 CPSA Annual Conference and Centennial Celebration
12-15 June, 2012
Edmonton, Canada
Deadline: 3 November, 2011
The Dupont Summit 2011. Science, Technology & Environmental Policy: Pressing Issues, Little Time
2 December, 2011
Washington, United States
Deadline: 10 November, 2011
New Perspectives on Regulation, Governance and Learning
27-29 June, 2012
Exeter, United Kingdom
Deadline: 21 November, 2011
10th Annual International Conference on Politics & International Affairs
18-21 June, 2012
Athens, Greece
Deadline: 28 November, 2011
Between the Global and the Local: Actors, Institutions and Processes
24-26 June, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
Deadline: 30 November, 2011
Converging and Conflicting Trends in the Public Administration of the US, Europe, and Germany
19-20 July, 2012
Speyer, Germany
Deadline: 30 November, 2011
Left and Right: The Great Dichotomy Revisited
23 March, 2012
Braga, Portugal
Deadline: 30 November, 2011
Australian & New Zealand Studies Association of North America: 2012 Annual Conference
16-18 February, 2012
Toronto, Canada
Deadline: 1 December, 2011
Policy History Conference
6-9 June, 2012
Richmond, United States
Deadline: 2 December, 2011
L’action publique face au changement climatique. Expertise, jeux d’échelles et comparaison internationale
15-16 March, 2012
Bordeaux, France
Deadline: 15 December, 2011
Ireland and African-America
9-11 March, 2012
Dublin, Ireland
Deadline: 16 December, 2011
Living together in diversity: National societies in the multicultural age
21-22 May, 2012
Budapest, Hungary
Deadline: 31 December, 2011
Speaking Europe Abroad: Institutional Cooperation and the Making of EU's Discourse
14-15 February, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Deadline: 1 January, 2012
Immigration and Border Security: A Centennial Arizona Symposium
28 March, 2012
Tucson, United States
Deadline: 6 January, 2012
Imagining India as a World Power: Asian Politics, the Indian Ocean, and Balancing Forces
1-2 March, 2012
New Delhi, India
Deadline: 6 January, 2012 

Call for Papers (Journals)
Journal of comparative politics
Deadline: 30 November
Sociedade e Cultura
Deadline: 30 November
Book | Routledge Studies in Experimental Political Science
Deadline: 31 December
Policy and Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Policy Research
Deadline: 31 December
Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Deadline: 1 January
Treatises and Documents, Journal of Ethnic Studies
Deadline: 15 January, 2012 

Job, Fellowship & Internship Offers
Tenure track position in Comparative Politics
St.John's, Canada
Assistant-e - doctorant-e au sein de la chaire Migration et Citoyenneté du Forum Suisse pour l’étude des migrations et de la population (SFM)
Neuchâtel, Switzerland
PhD Student (candoc) 60%
Genève, Switzerland
Stipendiary Lectureship in Politics at Christ Church
Oxford, United Arab Emirates
Simons Visiting Chair in International Law and Human Security
Vancouver, Canada
Professor of Comparative Politics
Wellington, New Zealand
Postdoctoral position (50%, fixed-term, three years)
Basle, Switzerland
Two tenure track positions in comparative politics one with specialization in Africa, the other in Europe
Québec, Canada
Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowships in 2012–2013
Washington, United States
Lectureship in European Politics
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women Fellowships
Providence, United States
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2012
Oxford, United Kingdom
Postdoc in physical geography
Lausanne, Switzerland
Assistant/Associate Professor Public Administration
Singapore, Singapore
Assistant Professor of International Relations
Lewisburg, United States
2 positions of tenured Professor in Political Science
Paris, France
The Oxford-Princeton Global Leaders Programme Post-doctoral Fellowships
Oxford, United Kingdom
International Political Science Review (IPSR) Editor
Scholarships for post-doctoral researchers
São Paulo, Brazil
Premier-ère assistant-e
Lausanne Dorigny, Switzerland
Full-time faculty positions in the fields of political science and international studies
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
PhD Student in IPE / International Environmental Politics
Zurich, Switzerland
Erasmus Mundus GEM PhD Programme


3rd Edition Prize for Best PhD Thesis
Deadline: 30 November, 2011
Programme québécois de bourses pour participer au Congrès mondial de science politique de l’Association internationale de science politique (Madrid, Espagne, 2012)
Deadline: 1 December, 2011
2012 C&M Award for Concept Analysis in Political Science
Deadline: 31 December, 2011
Global Development Awards and Medals Competition: Japanese Award for Most Innovative Development Project (MIDP)
Deadline: 31 January, 2012
Prix de la relève ASSP 2012
Deadline: 31 March, 2012
Prix de thèse 2012 de l'ASSP
Deadline: 31 March, 2012